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March 2019 Dinner Meeting - Rehab of the Manhattan Approach Ramps to the RFK Bridge

Please join us for our next dinner meeting on Thursday, March 14, 2019 at the Blu Stone Bistro, 661 Albany Shaker Road, Latham, NY at 5:45pm. Blaise Blabac, PE, Modjeski and Masters, Inc. will present the Rehabilitation of the Manhattan Approach Ramps to the RFK Bridge.

Please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Friday, March 8, 2019 to reserve your seat. In the RSVP, indicate if you wish to pay with a credit card so a digital invoice can be sent to you. See the Dinner Meeting Announcement form for additional details and cost information.

Presentation Abstract
Prior to this project, no major rehabilitation had been performed on the Manhattan approach ramps to the RFK Bridge since its original construction in 1936. Due the effects of chronic deterioration, primarily at the locations of leaking expansion joints, a comprehensive rehabilitation effort of the steel portion of the structure was required. Several unique and innovative methods were used to complete this project within the congested urban environment while also maintaining traffic on these critical ramps which carry in excess of 85,000 vehicles per day. This presentation will highlight some of the design and construction challenges associated with this $70M bridge rehabilitation project, which was completed in 2017. In particular, details will be provided of the hybrid seismic isolation system that was developed to allow this 1930’s-era steel rigid-frame structure to meet modern seismic criteria. (1 PDH provided with cost of program)

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